
Light precipitation is falling. You determine that both rain and drizzle are present during your observation. Which symbol represents this situation?


Over the last hour, rain has fallen consistently with moderate intensity. Which symbol represents this situation?


Intense rain that falls in sheets and creates spray on pavement and surfaces has occurred for the past hour. Which symbol represents this situation?


Cumulus clouds producing areas of rain in sheets have been passing over the station. Which symbol represents this situation?


Moderate rain continues after a damaging thunderstorm ended nearly an hour ago. Which symbol represents this situation?


A nearby thunderstorm has produced a large cloud of dust along the edge of its downdraft. In a few minutes it moves over your location and the visibility is reduced to 0.5 nm. Which symbol represents this situation?


You see lightning but are not able to hear thunder from a distant storm. Which present weather symbol is used to indicate this situation?


You can hear thunder in the distance but no precipitation is occurring at your station. Which present weather symbol and code describes this situation?


Drizzle has affected your station over the past few hours, but stopped about 20 minutes ago. Which symbol represents this situation?


It has rained most of the morning, but ended 45 minutes ago. Which symbol represents this situation?


Steady drizzle has been occurring over the last hour and brought the visibility down to 1/2 mi. Which symbol represents this situation?


During your observation, you determine that both rain and drizzle are falling at a moderate intensity. Which symbol represents this situation?


Steady light rain has been falling all morning. Which symbol represents this situation?


Light showers of rain have been passing over the observation area during the past hour. Which symbol represents this situation?


Light rain continues after a thunderstorm ended approximately 30 minutes ago. Which symbol represents this situation?


A thunderstorm with moderate rain and wind gusts of 75 kt is occurring at your location. No hailstones or pellets have been observed. Which symbol represents this situation?


A thunderstorm developed near your location and is now producing 1" hail and gusts of 55 kt. Which symbol represents this situation?


Rain is seen in the distance reaching the sea surface. You estimate that it is 4 miles from the ship. Which present weather symbol describes this situation?


For most of the day, winds have been ~10 knots from the west. About 15 minutes ago, winds suddenly increased to 24-26 knots, sustained over an 8-minute period. Your most recent observations show wind speeds of ~15 knots. Which present weather symbol and code describes the situation that occurred?


A brief shower of rain moved through the station half an hour ago. Which symbol represents this situation?


Light drizzle has been falling on and off over the last hour. Which symbol represents this situation?


Drizzle has started and stopped several times over the past hour, and reduced the visibility to 1/4 mi at the time of observation. Which symbol represents this situation?


Drizzle has been steady all afternoon causing visibility to degrade to ⅛ mi at the time of observation. Which symbol represents this situation?


Light rain is occurring when you go out to take the observation and has been reported occasionally over the last hour. Which symbol represents this situation?


While taking your observation, rain picks up to moderate intensity although it has been sporadic during the last hour. Which symbol represents this situation?


Rain has been falling in sheets sporadically as the rainbands of a hurricane pass over your location. Which symbol represents this situation?


Nearby cumulus clouds have been producing rain on and off for most of the day. It is now pouring at the station and rainfall rates are estimated at 1.5 inches an hour. Which symbol represents this situation?

image of weather situation

A thunderstorm has been producing moderate rain but no observable hail or pellets at your location for the past 30 minutes. Which symbol represents this situation?


In the distance you can see virga, which is precipitation that is not reaching the ground. Which present weather symbol describes this situation?


At your observation point you are not experiencing any precipitation but are able to observe precipitation falling to the surface not far from the ship. Which present weather symbol and code describes this situation?


A waterspout is visible in the distance. Which present weather symbol and code describes this situation?


A thunderstorm moved over the station about 30 minutes ago, leaving a double rainbow upon its exit from the area. Which symbol represents this situation?


Drizzle has been occurring over the past hour and is continuing during the observation, reducing visibility to around 2 miles. Which symbol represents this situation?


Drizzle has been occurring off an on during the past hour, and reduced the visibility to half a mile at the time of observation. Which symbol represents this situation?