VI. Weather Identification Drills

100 Present Weather Symbols Drills

100 Present Weather Symbols Drills

The 100 present weather symbols are based on distinct characters to denote various phenomena. Before attempting the drill, you may wish to review this brief summary of how the symbols are used to denote weather types and intensity. First, consider the symbol used to denote each type of weather phenomenon (drizzle vs. snow vs. rain, for example).

Basic Weather Symbols for Types of Weather Phenomena
Phenomenon Symbol
drizzle symbol
rain symbol
snow symbol
showers symbol
thunderstorm symbol
hail symbol
fog symbol
dust symbol

The symbols can be combined for greater detail about the observed phenomenon. For instance,
symbol is used to depict thunderstorms with rain.
symbol depicts showers with a rain/snow mix.

Combinations of the same symbol are used to denote intensity. In addition, a vertical line to the left or right of the symbol can provide information about whether the situation is increasing, decreasing, or has ended.

Using Symbols to Denote Intensity or Changing Weather Situation
Guidelines for Weather Symbol Details Examples
When a bracket is added to the right of the symbol, it means the phenomenon has ended within the past hour. symbolthunderstorm observed during preceding hour but not at observation time
A line to left of the symbol means the phenomenon is increasing in severity. symboldust or sandstorm has begun or increased in past hour
A line to the right means that the phenomenon is decreasing in severity. symbolfog has become thinner in past hour
For precipitation (drizzle, rain, snow), the following guidelines apply:
1 symbol = intermittent and slight symbolintermittent snowfall (slight)
2 stacked vertically = intermittent and moderate symbolintermittent rain (moderate)
3 stacked vertically = intermittent and heavy symbolintermittent drizzle (heavy)
2 aligned horizontally = continuous and slight symbolcontinuous rain (slight)
2 horizontal, 1 vertical = continuous and moderate symbolcontinuous snowfall (moderate)
4 in cluster = continuous and heavy symbolcontinuous drizzle (heavy)

Remember that these drills are designed to help you practice and improve. Questions you miss will be repeated twice more to give you the opportunity to master the item. Do not rush and do your best to avoid guessing. To review the full list of 100 present weather symbols and codes, see the information here and from Navy Current Weather Symbols. To become proficient with the weather symbols, it is best if you revisit the drills several times over a period of a few weeks.