V. Synoptic Encoding

Encoding Section 1 Synoptic Observations

Encoding Section 1 Synoptic Observations

In Section 1, you should encode the various reporting groups based on your observations of the meteorological conditions. Here is a summary of those groups and the included parameters.

Section 1

The first group of Section 1 contains columns for reporting precipitation, a weather data indicator, lowest cloud height, and visibility. The next set of columns is where total cloud amount, wind direction, speed, and wind gusts are reported.

CNMOC form for reporting precipitation, visibility, winds

Here is a brief summary of the first Section 1 fields to be completed:

Section 1, Groups 1, 2, 4, and 5

Groups 1 and 2 provide fields for entering temperature data for your synoptic observation. Pressure data are recorded in Groups 4 and 5.

closeup of CNMOC form for reporting temperature and pressure

Here is a brief listing of the reported parameters:

Section 1, Groups 1 and 2

Section 1, Group 4

Section 1, Group 5

Section 1, Groups 7, 8, and 9

Present and past weather are encoded in Group 7. Group 8 provides columns for reporting cloud amount and type.

closeup of CNMOC form for reporting present weather and clouds

Here is a brief summary of the columns for encoding Group 7, 8, and 9 data:

Section 1, Group 7

Section 1, Group 8

Section 1, Group 9

Group 9 provides fields for entering the time of the synoptic observation.