V. Synoptic Encoding

Encoding Section 2 Synoptic Observations

Encoding Section 2 Synoptic Observations

Section 2, Group 222 and Group 0

Group 222 contains fields for reporting the ship's course. Sea surface temperature information is reported in Group 0.

closeup of CNMOC form for reporting ships course

The parameters are reported as follows:

Section 2, Group 222

Section 2, Group 0

Sea surface temperature data are reported in Group 0 as follows:

Section 2, Groups 2, 3, 4, and 5

Sea wave (also called wind wave) and swell wave data are reported in Section 2, Groups 2, 3, 4, and 5.

closeup of CNMOC observing form for waves

The values to be reported are as follows:

Section 2, Group 2

Section 2, Group 3

Section 2, Group 4

Section 2, Group 5

Note that all wave heights are encoded in half meters in the Synoptic code. You must use the conversion Table III-4-4 for the correct code. The wave heights are not encoded in feet.

Section 2, Group 6, 8, ICE

Ice accretion information is encoded in Section 2, Group 6 on the observing form. Group 8 contains fields for reporting the wet bulb temperature. Sea ice observations, including sea ice concentration and state of development, are encoded in Group ICE. Land origin ice is also reported in this group.

closeup of CNMOC reporting form ice section

The values reported include the following:

Section 2, Group 6

Section 2, Group 8

Section 2, Group Ice