V. Synoptic Encoding

Section 1 Reporting, Part 2

Section 1 Reporting, Part 2

In the boxes below, enter your encoded observations as you would report them on form CNMOC 3141/3. Use the Resource Tables or the information in the tabs below to find the appropriate codes as you need them.

Here are the values you observed:

Air temperature: 10.9 °C

Dewpoint temp: 1.1 °C

Wet bulb: 7.14 °C

Sea level pressure: 29.33 in Hg, 993.16 hPa falling

Altimeter: 29.38 in Hg

Winds: 10 knots, WNW

Sky condition: 7/8 sky cover stratocumulus with ceilings about 600 feet; 1/8 sky cover, altostratus 11,000 ft.

Type your answer in the boxes, then click Done.

total cloud N:
wind dir dd:
wind sp ff:
dry bulb snTTT:
dewpt snTdTdTd:
slp pppp:

The correct encodings are:

total cloud N:
wind dir dd:
wind sp ff:
dry bulb snTTT:
dewpt snTdTdTd:
slp pppp:

Check your values against the correct values above. Note that when the ship is at sea, the pressure tendency field is not required. This value is only reported when the ship has been anchored for more than 3 hours.

Total Cloud Cover

Table III-3-4: Total Cloud Cover
Code figure Tenths Oktas (Eighths)
0 0 0 (SKC)
1 1/10 or less, but not 0 1 okta or less, but not 0
2 2/10 and 3/10 2 oktas (FEW)
3 4/10 3 oktas
4 5/10 4 oktas
5 6/10 5 oktas
6 7/10 and 8/10 6 oktas
7 9/10 or more, but not 10/10 7 oktas or more, but not 8
8 10/10 8 oktas
9 sky obscured by fog and/or other meteorological phenomena
/ Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or other meteorological phenomena, or observation is not made