III. Sky Condition, Visibility and Present Weather

Thunderstorm Activity

Thunderstorm Activity

A thunderstorm is considered to have begun and to be "occurring at the ship" when thunder is first heard. It may also be considered as occurring when hail is falling or when lightning is observed in the immediate vicinity of the ship when the local noise is such that the thunder cannot be heard. A thunderstorm is reported as ended 15 minutes after the last occurrence of these criteria.

Thunderstorm over a ship

The following information should be reported for thunderstorms:

Type and Frequency of Lightning

Type and Frequency of Lightning (based on Table II-5-3)
Type Contraction Frequency Contraction
Cloud to Ground CG Occasional (< 1 flash/min) OCNL
In-Cloud IC Frequent (1-6 flashes/min) FRQ
Cloud-Cloud CC Continuous (>6 flashes/min) CNS
Cloud-Air CA

Thunderstorm clouds, specifically cumulonimbus or towering cumulus, should be reported with the contractions CB and TCU, respectively, as these are significant cloud types indicating potential weather hazards. Report CB or TCU in the Remarks section along with their relative direction from the ship, distance from the ship, and direction in which they are moving. The criteria for reporting are detailed in the U.S. Navy Manual for Ship's Surface Weather Observations, Table II.1.1.